Dargaville High School Subjects Science

School Subjects

Dargaville High School is required to implement its curriculum in accordance with the priorities set out in the National Education Goals and the National Administration Guidelines. The basic outlines of the New Zealand curriculum are identified in New Zealand Curriculum PDF (7mb). The Ministry of education site provides introductions to what students learn at school, and information about the New Zealand curriculum.

Year 9 Subjects

This full-year core subject develops skills in all six areas of the national English curriculum – reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and presenting. 

This full-year core subject reinforces concepts learned at primary and intermediate level, and builds on them.

Physical Education
This full-year core subject strongly emphasizes participation and involvement. All students participate in Physical Education lessons and if necessary a special programme is devised to meet an individual student’s needs.

Social Studies
The aim of Social Studies is to enable students to participate in a changing society as informed, confident and responsible citizens. Social Studies is a compulsory course in both Years 9 and 10. It leads on to senior studies in History, Geography and Economics.

Science is the first year of a junior core programme which looks at the way the world works.
The course aims to fulfill national curriculum guidelines in science.

Download Year 9 Subject Options, Semester Two 2024

Download Year 9 Options Form, Semester Two 2024

Year 10 Subjects

For a comprehensive outline of subjects download
2024 Semester Two, Year 10 Options Handbook

Please download and fill in the Year 10 Option Choices form:
2024 Semester Two, Year 10 Options Form

DHS 2024 Senior Subjects

Year 11 Subjects

For a comprehensive outline of subjects Download the 2025 Senior Options Handbook.
Available subjects are listed below.
There is the possibility of video conferencing and correspondence courses in Year 11.

Please fill in the Year 11 Option Choices form:
2024 Year 11 Subject Options Form

DHS 2024 Senior Subjects

Year 12 Subjects

For a comprehensive outline of subjects Download the 2025 Senior Options Handbook.
Available subjects for Year 12 is listed below.
There is the possibility of video conferencing and correspondence courses in Year 12.

Please fill in the Year 12 Options form:
2024 Year 12 Subject Options Form

DHS 2024 Senior Subjects

Year 13 Subjects

For a comprehensive outline of subjects Download the 2025 Senior Options Handbook
Available subjects for Year 13 is listed below.
There is the possibility of video conferencing and correspondence courses in Year 13.

Please fill in the Year 13 Subject Options form:
2024 Year 13 Subject Options Form

DHS 2024 Senior Subjects