Dargaville High School uniform

School Uniform

Your uniform is your identity with the school. It needs to be worn presentably and that means clean and tidy. Our standards for the acceptability of an item of clothing, hairstyles and accessories, is that it is smart and a good advertisement for Dargaville High School. The Deputy Principal will govern the suitability of what is acceptable and what is not! All clothing should be clearly named. No gang colours or regalia are allowed at any time.

2023 Uniform Years 9-12

Shirts: Navy Blue Polo Shirt with School Logo

Shorts, Trousers or Skirt: Black trousers, shorts or skirt, le Faitaga/Tupenu

Socks: Black socks

Jackets: Navy School Jacket with School Logo

Shoes: Shoes must be black and polishable. Shoes must have low backs. If shoes have laces, they must be black. For Technology, Science and Food classes shoes are required to be black, hard leather lace up shoes to comply with Health and Safety regulations.

Sandals: Black Roman sandals. No sneakers or jandals allowed.

Hats: Plain sun hats, caps or beanies must be taken off in class. Beanies must be black.

Scarves: Black

Studs: You can wear gold or silver studs in each ear and a single nose stud can be worn.

Download DHS Uniform Price List


- Hair colours must be natural.
- Styles: need to be able to get a comb through the hairstyle, no braids or dreadlocks.
- Hair must be tied back in specified subjects for health and safety reasons.
- Boys can have tidy facial hair.
- Tattoos must not be offensive.
- No gang colours or regalia are allowed at any time.

Travelling Uniform

There are many occasions such as sports, music and cultural trips etc. where students may wear travelling uniform. When on any occasion standard uniform may be worn as an alternative to travelling uniform, a white polo shirt is required.

MUFTI is not allowed on such occasions.

  • Shirt / Blouse: white long sleeved with stiff shirt collar suitable for a tie
  • School tie
  • For Girls: a school black skirt - standard length and width
  • Trousers: Must be black and can be worn by either boys or girls
  • Shoes: Black solid lace up
  • Sweatshirt: Standard school sweatshirt
  • Jacket / Blazer (may be borrowed from the School Office)