Dargaville High School Enrolment


Application Forms for enrolment in 2023 are available from the school office, or make an appointment with the appropriate Year Level Dean by contacting the school. If wishing to enroll at Dargaville High School, please ensure that you attend with your child and that you have the following proof of identify available.

New Zealand born students:
Original or Certified copy of birth certificate

Students born outside New Zealand:
NZ citizens - Original or Certified copy of NZ passport or citizenship certificate. All other students - Originals or Certified copies of passport (first page), Residency permit or Student permit, birth certificate and parent’s passport and work permits.

School Prospectus

The Dargaville High School Prospectus contains additional details concerning the School Curriculum, Co-curricular activities, School reporting, Courses available and Student Leadership. The purpose of our prospectus is to give an overview of the facilities and learning opportunities available at Dargaville High School. We believe that visiting the school will give a parent/caregiver and child an excellent opportunity to see the school in action and ask any questions that they may have.

At Dargaville High School we have an open-door policy and would welcome any parent/caregiver to visit the school, inspect our resources/facilities and meet the teachers/Year Level Dean. Please ring the school office to make an appointment.

Copies of the school prospectus are available from the school office or may be requested from Dargaville High School by phone, e-mail or by completing the prospectus application form.