New Zealand Kauri tree

School Aims

mission statement

Realising potential, recognising and fostering success for each student, developing well rounded, contributing members of society.


Our school will empower students to demonstrate:

  • Achievement: To raise and sustain student performance across all year levels through a challenging and inspirational learning environment.
  • Confidence: To provide students with the tools to be resilient, reflective and adaptable, ready for an ever changing world.
  • Connectedness: Belonging to a community, where inclusiveness and diversity of all people embraces our partnership with tangata whenua.
  • Excellence: Excellence in learning, performance and behaviour, motivated by high expectations and respectful relationships. A climate of no excuses, no exceptions and high expectations.


  • Respect (Whakaute)
  • Responsibility (Kawengā)
  • Contributing (Aroha Hoatu)
  • Integrity (Ngākau Tapatahi)

strategic goals

  • Engage students, to experience success through personalised programmes and innovative learning, with ongoing support and coaching
  • Teaching key competencies and specific skills to prepare akonga to be ready for life beyond school
  • To encompass all members of the school community. Encouraging a sense of belonging and well-being which is a reflection of the wider community
  • Expect and support all students, through respectful relationships, to strive for personal excellence and to their best in all endeavours