Dargaville High School exams


In 2023, all Year 11 (and some selected Year 10) students will be piloting the new Literacy and Numeracy NCEA Level 1 standards. The exams assess Reading, Writing and Numeracy. Students will be using a device to sit these examinations. Please check our school calendar concerning the dates of these examinations.

The final date for NCEA entries ( NCEA internal credits) is usually the first week in November. Check with your teachers to ensure that your assessments (Achievement Standards and Unit Standards) have been entered. Remember it is your responsibility!

Visit the NZQA website for the external examination schedule and your NZQA record of learning. To log on to this service you require your NSN (national student number) and a password that you will have generated from registering for this service.

School Exams - Junior Yr 9 & 10

Juniors will sit an end of year examination in each of their core subjects. The purpose of this internal assessment is to monitor pupil progress and achievement.

Download Yr 9 Exam Timetable 2023

End of topic tests will also occur, but this is up to individual departments.

Years 9 and 10 students will also sit an Asttle test - at the beginning and end of the year.

School Exams - Senior Yr 11, 12, 13

The seniors have a mid-year examination and an end of year examination in all of their subjects. The results of these examinations are reported back to parents via the mid and end of year reports. Senior exams are a good opportunity for pupils to practice the skills and knowledge required for NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3. Individual departments decide the content of the mid-year and end of year exam.

If a pupil studies a practical based subject then pupils may be required to attend a 'work session' during exam week. During this work session a pupil may be required to work on an internal assessment, continue with an on-going project or a teacher will provide work as necessary.

Examinations are spread over a week and the duration of an exam will be 3 hours or 2 hours for a work session. Pupils are given a timetable by their form teachers and errors, omissions and/or clashes are reported to the Assessment Dean. The examination school policy ensures that pupils don’t have all of their subject exams together.

Download 2023 Senior Study-Week Timetable
Download September 2023 Senior Exam Timetable

NCEA Exams

NCEA exams take place during Term 4 starting in the month of November. Pupils are urged to look at the NCEA website to find out when NZQA have scheduled external examinations. Dargaville High School will place the NZQA exam timetable in strategic places around the school for pupils to view. If you are in any doubt, you can ask the Assessment Dean or contact the Main Office for further details. Make sure you know when your external NCEA exams are! The Assessment Dean will go through exam protocols with you during a Deans Assembly and remember NO MOBILE PHONES! Senior pupils are given study leave from the school. This is a time for revision and preparing for starting a new year at school, starting a career or university. Senior Study leave usually starts in the second week in November.

Download 2023 Senior Study-Week Timetable

Download 2023 NCEA Exam Timetable

The NZQA website (www.nzqa.govt.nz) is a useful tool for checking your record of learning, how many credits you have, and general information regarding the NCEA qualification. To log on to this service you require your NSN (national student number) and a password that you will have generated from registering for this service.